Miles just published part 1 of a 4-part piece on “Ancient Spooks” up at his site. I am starting a new post devoted to discussion of this series of papers, as it seems they will be important and spark lots of discussion. I’d rather have the discussion here rather than on the main ‘Defending Miles Mathis’ thread. I might do this as new important papers or topics come up.

Here is the link to part 1.

Here is the link to part 2.

Here is the link to part 3.

Here is the link to part 4.

Here is the link to part 5.

And here is a link to Miles’ work on the issue, Where Did All the Phoenicians Go?

Update 4/23/20: Here is a link to Gerry’s new website devoted mainly to the puns and double entendres of Ancient Spooks.