It has been nearly two weeks since I posted my defense of Miles Mathis and a little over a week since Miles invited his friends and readers to come over for a virtual party in the comments section and show their support in the face of unprovoked, unwarranted and libelous attacks on his character and motives. They arrived in droves to voice their support and describe the impact he has had on them (more on that in a future post). As we close in on 2,000 comments to that post, I thought I’d take this opportunity to provide a snapshot of how much traffic the site has been getting and a sense of the wide geographic scope of Miles’ readership.  

Here is the first snapshot, which shows CuttingThroughTheFog’s daily traffic going back about a month:


That is a screenshot from the traffic statistics that WordPress provides to bloggers. The dark color in the columns represents unique visitors and the lighter color represents views. I highlighted the stats for the biggest day (May 13) in orange and you can see the stats for that day at the bottom of the picture. There were 721 visitors and 4,201 views. I hadn’t posted anything since November, so my daily traffic until then was in the double-digits. I posted my defense on May 8th. Miles linked to it the next day, and you can see a sharp uptick. But the big jump comes on May 13th after he invited everyone over. And indeed that was the day that saw the most unique visitors, although May 15th had more views.

WordPress defines views and visitors as follows:

“A view is counted when a visitor loads or reloads a page. A visitor is counted when we see a user or browser for the first time in a given period (day, week, month). The weekly unique visitors figure can sometimes be less than the sum of daily visitors for the same week. This occurs when the same visitor appears multiple times during the week.”

What this means is that if we add the number of visitors across days or weeks, we will end up overestimating the number of unique viewers over a longer time period. So for the most accurate summary we need to look at traffic for all May. Here is the picture that emerges:

Monthly View

The site has had 2,904 visitors and 27,883 views so far in May. Impressive. But what’s even more impressive to me is the worldwide scope of Miles’ readership. Here’s a map of the country of origin from all the views in May until now:


Wow! People from over 75 countries visited, almost all of them viewing the “Defending Miles Mathis” post. Here it is broken down by views per country:


It’s a surprisingly wide array of different countries. At least it surprised me. Of course English-speaking countries are overrepresented, which is to be expected. What I did not expect to see is so many people from non-English speaking countries, given that he writes long papers in English that are not easily digested even for native speakers.

Keep in mind that the country breakdowns count views, not visitors. So it includes people visiting the site multiple times and/or obsessively pressing ‘re-load’ (you know who you are). You will notice that the total view count by country is less than the overall view count. That is because WordPress is not always able to determine each visitor’s country, in which case their views are not counted in the country breakdown.

The one that really surprised me was Israel. At first I thought: that’s probably just me re-loading the site a million times a day. But no. According to WordPress, my visits to my own blog are not reflected in these stats as long as I am logged in to WordPress. Except, I’m always logged in. I suppose some or even most of those views do come from me, somehow–perhaps incognito browsing or something. But I don’t think all 27 are, which means that there may be one or more people from Israel reading Miles or this blog. If that’s you, drop me a line! Even if you aren’t a fan or work for the Mossad, I’d like to hear from you—especially if you are a fan and work for the Mossad.

Over the last week I’ve also become aware of a major effort to translate Miles’ work into other languages. These people are devoting hours upon hours of their time, unpaid, in order to make his work accessible to a wider audience. They deserve our appreciation. Most of the translations have been into French, but there are other languages as well. If you speak a foreign language and have some spare time, consider translating a paper that had a big impact on you to help spread the word. Here are the sites I found that are taking the lead in this effort:

And here is a youtube video on Miles’ work in French.

The bottom line is this: It’s all too easy to feel isolated and pessimistic when you realize how deep the lies go and everyone around you is sleep walking. But the picture that emerges from the site traffic here over the last week is that people all around the world are waking up. The truth is starting to catch on, whether it’s about art, science or history. So don’t despair, you are not alone! Tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell anyone who will listen. The revolution has just begun, and you are part of it.